Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Journal Ten (Make Up Due to Absence)

The article that I chose is a piece by Mike Celizic on the NBC sports website. This article supports my paper that argues why the BCS college football system is not effective. This article explains that the BCS system does not need to be changed, but that it has to be eliminated completely. The author explains exactly why the BCS is ineffective and why it just simply does not work. Then, a solution is proposed, a playoff system in which teams are named national championships by playing rather than being picked. Celizic explains why this is a more effective and much more fair way of choosing a national champion.
The author organizes his arguments very well, constructing an article that clearly presents a problem and proposes a solution. The author uses well constructed arguments to back up his thesis along with relevant statistics.
This is a very convincing argument, because not only does he present a thesis, he explains why he is right and why the status quo needs to be changed. He also proposes a solution, instead of just saying what is wrong with the current system.
A lot of the arguments that the author makes will be useful in writing my own paper and creating my own arguments. I think I will be able to use at least a couple quotes from this article because of the clear way the author presents his points. I think I will also be able to paraphrase the author because I want to incorporate some of the arguments he makes without plagiarizing his work.

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