Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Comparing Designs of Original iPod and iPod Touch

In 2001, Apple came out with their first iPod, the first generation iPod Classic. The original iPod is pictured above on the left. The original design was very traditional. It came in all white, with not much going on except a couple buttons and a well organized screen. The back of the iPod is metallic, while the front is a solid white. The iPod is very boxy, with near right angles at every corner. The old iPod is also notably thicker and bulkier. The circular buttons stick out, giving it a more rigid look. As for the display, there is no color whatsoever, and the background is a grayish color. The all black blocky print gives it a really boring look.

The iPod touch is a much more technologically advanced iPod, but its design improved a lot too. There is a much cleaner, flowing design to the Touch, a very smooth look to it. It is not boxy, but its corners flow giving it a much sleeker design. It is notably leaner and quiet, with only one or two buttons that are difficult to point out. They hide a lot of the buttons on the side, giving the iPod a lot of space to fill up with screen. They were able to do this because it is a touch screen device, allowing it to not need a lot of buttons. The display is much more advanced, and much more aesthetically pleasing. With 960-by-640 resolution at 326 pixels per inch, the display gives vivid color and impressing resolution and picture. The back is still metallic, but is shinier, more reflective metallic, making it look newer. With six years apart in their release, it is clear that the designs of the iPods have changed.


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  2. more people swap the Macbook Air to iPad Pro for traveling and work
